Introductory Posting to Talent Management

In future postings the blog addresses “Talent Management” that is vetting talent, landing it retaining it, and moving it. And, this information is for candidates and employers, as the processes and criteria employers use in the area of Talent Management are similar to the criteria candidates can use to evaluate employers.

Talent Management remains a favorite subject. This blogger has years of experience.  For years, mountains of money are spent annually by business and industry to teach, acquire tools, and techniques to address the ongoing challenge of Talent Management.  How much headway is being made?  Search the web on the subjects of locating, hiring and retaining talent.  This blogger did as it was one of my responsibilities to manage it.  Little has changed, you can find the same factors positively and negatively discussed today by leading  business authors, universities, consultants, and business organizations and statistics supporting the facts as to how difficult and complex it is to make headway managing talent.

First a related story:  The job was to hire a President and Country Manager for China.  The candidate list was vetted, and a final candidate (hugely qualified) selected to go through final round robin interviews with key functional executives. The process was well-defined – each executive team member had separate key questions, candidate CV, a schedule, position description, and a one-page summary of previous interview results, all provided days in advance.  When the candidate arrived in the office of the final executive on the schedule he was confused.  He said that he thought he was interviewing for the position of President / Country Manager, however the financial organization talked to him about an executive position available in the international financial organization. Go figure!  The company hired the candidate, great hire, great results in Asia over the years, as, President and Country Manager for China.

***** S&E *****

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